
Social focus
Vulvaverse 2023:

Bodily autonomy
Trans healthcare

Transvisie, a patient-oriented foundation subsidised by the Ministry of Health, conducts all of its activities with the help of volunteers, many of whom are experts by experience. The organisation  is dedicated to supporting individuals who have questions regarding their gender identity, as well as their families and communities.

Transvisie Zorg is a mental health organisation affiliated with the Parnassia group. It provides psychological and psychosocial assistance and care to both adults (through PsyQ) and children (through Youz) who have questions regarding their gender identity.

Trans United Europe was established in 2013 as a platform to unite European Trans BPOC NGOs and individual BPOC trans activists. Originating in the Netherlands as Trans United Nederland, they expanded to form the umbrella BPOC network, Trans United Europe, based in Brussels.

Their organization amplifies BPOC media content, provides information on trans sex work and gender-specific healthcare, including HIV prevention programs, and is led by BPOC sex workers and BPOC trans individuals living with HIV.

StopGatekeeping.nlThe website advocates for the self-determination of transgender individuals by challenging gatekeeping practices. It provides information on the importance of informed consent and transgender individuals taking the lead in their own care.

The website also encourages filing complaints against mistreatment and offers resources for raising awareness among healthcare professionals, such as general practitioners, about adopting an informed consent model for transgender care.